How much liquid chlorine to add to pool? If you are new to the world of pool maintenance, this question may confuse you a lot. Finding the right balance is critical for clean and clear water. A pool owner has to add a form of chlorine to keep the water clean and safer for swimmers.
While many chemicals are used for pool maintenance, Chlorine is the star and the main workhorse. Maintaining the correct chlorine levels is also important to kill bacteria and prevent the pool from turning green and cloudy. There are certain factors that determine the right amount of chlorine and frequency of usage.
Here is what you need to know about the right amount of liquid chlorine to keep it clean and sparkling.
How Much Liquid Chlorine to Add to Pool?
Among all the pool Chlorine types, liquid chlorine is the easiest to add. As the name implies, it is a solution mixed with water and pure chlorine. Primarily, liquid chlorine efficiently kills any microorganisms like bacteria and algae.
A formula that is generally used to calculate the correct amount is
(Volume of Pool)* (Desired Chlorine Level)/(Current Chlorine Level)
Depending on the pool size and the chlorine level you wish to achieve, it is hard to give an exact number. Generally, a pool owner would have to add about 52-104 oz of liquid chlorine per 10,000 gallons of water to raise the chlorine levels to 5-10 ppm.
Other numbers that can be used as a basis for calculations for correct chlorine levels. For a stabilized pool, you’ll want to add 200 ml of chlorine per 10,000 liters of water every day. If your pool water is not stabilized, you’ll need to add 400 ml of chlorine daily.
To determine the right amount of chlorine to add, a pool owner must know the following things
- The volume of the pool
- Current water chemistry
- Concentration of Chlorine
- Level of Chlorination you wish to achieve
When to Add Liquid Chlorine to the Pool?
The ideal time to add chlorine to the pool is when the chlorine levels in the water are below the normal range. The frequency of adding chlorine will depend on various factors that impact the water chemistry, such as usage, weather conditions, and pool size.
It’s recommended to test the chlorine levels regularly and add chlorine as needed. This could be once or twice a week, or every couple of weeks.
To maintain optimal pool water conditions, aim for a pH level between 7.2 and 7.8, and a free chlorine level of 2-5 ppm. Another way to determine the right time is to check the pool’s free chlorine levels. If it is below 2 ppm, it is a good indication that it’s time to add some liquid chlorine.
Test the pool water frequently to check and maintain the perfect water chemistry. Not to mention, it is best to add pool chlorine at night or when the sun has set. This will give chlorine ample time to work effectively without being evaporated by the sun.
How to Add Liquid Chlorine to the Pool?
Before adding liquid chlorine, check the water chemistry and determine the right amount to be added to the pool. If the pH level is imbalanced, adjust the pH level to the recommended range before adding chlorine.
A pool owner can use a chlorinator or a jug to pour the liquid chlorine into the pool. Using the mechanical chlorinator makes the whole process a lot easier.
If you’re using the jug, make sure to pour it from an arm’s distance and into the deepest parts of the pool. To ensure proper mixup, leave the pool pump running while you add liquid chlorine.
Swimmers and pool owners have to wait at least five hours until the water balance is restored. In addition, it is best to check water chemistry before going for a swim.
Factors Affecting the Liquid Chlorine Amount
- Size of the Pool – The size and volume of the pool is a determining factor when it comes to calculating the right chlorine levels. Larger pools will require more chlorine than smaller pools to kill bacteria and other microorganisms.
- Desired Chlorine Level – The level of Chlorination you wish to achieve also determines the amount you need to add. Understandably, more liquid chlorine needs to be added to achieve high levels of chlorination.
- Current Chlorine Level – If the pool water is already highly chlorinated, then you may have to only add a nominal amount. Check the current level of chlorination before adding liquid chlorine.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I add liquid chlorine daily?
Well, liquid chlorine does not necessarily have to be added daily. It should only be added when the current chlorine levels are below the normal range.
How long after liquid chlorine can you swim?
It is generally recommended to wait at least 4 to 5 hours after adding the chlorine. To be on the safe side, wait for one complete turnover of water which is the time it takes for all the water to pass through the filter.
How long does liquid chlorine last?
Liquid chlorine loses 50% of its effectiveness within the first six months and 90% after 12 months. It loses its potency faster when exposed to extreme weather conditions.
Undoubtedly, liquid chlorine is an affordable and easier alternative to other forms of chlorine. The right level of chlorine is also easier to calculate if you take into account all the factors.
[…] accumulation. Do not let leaves and stones float on the pool surface, remove them using the rake. Add chlorine and use several cleaning methods to prevent the growth of algae. Make sure pumps and filters are on.